3 Ways to Support Your Community in This Time of Need

3 Ways to Support Your Community in This Time of Need

If you have already reopened your practice, or your patient load is increasing each day, you’ve likely emerged from the outbreak in a better position than many other local businesses. “Phase 3” or “close contact” businesses such as hair salons, nail salons, barbershops, gyms, movie theaters, and tattoos shops may not be allowed to open yet, or may be encountering consumer reluctance to visit, putting even more strain on these business owners financially, emotionally, and physically. This is a great opportunity for you to step in as a leader of your community and show your gratitude for your success and your care for your neighbors. Here are a few ideas of how you can show support as other local businesses get back on their feet:

1. Reach Out to Your Patients
It is likely that some of your patients own or are employed by a small business. Reach out to your patients and see how you can help if they have been affected by extended closures. One way you could help is by hosting a gift card giveaway. It is easy to buy a few gift cards and post on Instagram or Facebook to spotlight your patient’s business if they agree to it. Here’s an example of a caption you can customize:

“[insert office name here] has an exciting announcement!
While the health and safety of folks in [community name] is our number one priority, we also have seen local small businesses struggling during this difficult time.
Did you know that [insert name here], one of our very own patients (owns/ is employed by) [insert local business]? We’ve decided to show them some love the [insert practice name here] way and offer our support by giving away [insert number] FREE gift cards!

Here’s how to enter to win:
Like the post
Tag a local friend in the comments
Like the page of [local small business]!

Thank you so much for all who participate and enter in advance. Your support for local small businesses does not go unnoticed! We hope everyone has a happy, healthy, and safe week!”

2. Host a Free Dental Day
With so many furloughs and layoffs, it’s likely that many people have lost their healthcare and insurance plans. You can extend a helping hand by hosting a free dental day for patients who are on unemployment or facing hardship. Depending on your own financial position, you could offer free cleanings and exams, free x-rays, or free cancer screenings. This will help give some patients in need convenient access to the healthcare they need and help you promote your practice through positive PR, which would even provide you with some new (paying) patients!

3. Partner With a Local Business for Your Re-Opening Party
If you are planning to celebrate your re-opening, consider partnering with a local restaurant or business to cater your party. They will appreciate the business and the exposure of free advertising to members of the community. While buffets and potlucks are out of the question for the foreseeable future, pre-packaged plates and beverages are an option that will delight your guests who are likely tired of cooking at home!

SmileMakers is Here for You
“We care for you like you care for your patients” is more than our tagline. That statement represents our core values and is at the heart of everything we do. We know this is a difficult time for healthcare workers, practices, and small business owners. And we’re here for you now just as we have been for over 40 years. Reach out and tell us what we can do to help you at SmileMakers.com.

2020-06-23 11:18:00 8 viewed