Celebrate International Day of Happiness With Your Patient Community

Celebrate International Day of Happiness With Your Patient Community

Celebrate International Day of Happiness With Your Patient Community

March 20th is International Day of Happiness! Is your practice ready? With "smile" in our name, no one cares about happiness quite like SmileMakers does. We are here to help you spread joy in celebration of International Day of Happiness as well as every other day of the year! If you're looking for a few ways your practice can make your community smile when it matters most, we've got you covered!

Spread Joy in Your Practice

Spread Joy in Your Practice

We know how much you care about your patients, and we share your goal of making each visit as enjoyable as possible. But we also know that sometimes it is all too easy to get caught up in the ins and outs of running your practice, and that adding fun activities and rewards for your little patients can quickly fall to the backburner. An easy and healthy way to reward your patients for a successful visit is to surprise them with some sugar-free or xylitol sweets! You can feel good about handing out these delicious parent-approved treats.

Spread Joy in Your Practice

You can also encourage happy smiles in your office by introducing your patients to Twinkles or Rex, our dental plush friends. These cuddly creatures make patient education fun and interactive. You'll be able to easily demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques on a friendly model that kids will want to see again and again.

Spread Joy in Your Practice

A happy and successful visit also requires some patience from children while you and mom discuss treatment plans and return visits. Keep wiggly kiddos occupied with affordable and fun coloring books. We have a variety of different scenes for every little artist to color.

Spread Joy in Your Community

In today's digital world, it is important to be present in both your physical community and your online community. One of the first things prospective patients look at when choosing a new doctor is their online presence. You can make a good first impression for new patients and also boost your relationships with existing patients by spreading joy on your Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts. A great way to celebrate International Day of Happiness is to make a post that encourages your followers to share what makes them happy in order to be entered into a raffle or gift card giveaway for a local restaurant or business. Winners will get a great prize, you'll get to support your local community, and everybody will enjoy the little stories of positivity on your post. It's a win-win-win!

To take it one step further and really reinforce your position as a leader in your community, you can host a sponsorship. Choose a local small business, sports team, or nonprofit and surprise them by donating a designated amount of your new patient proceeds to them for the month of March. This is a great way to get some positive attention for your practice without the cost of marketing campaigns and print collateral.

Spread Joy in Your Practice

SmileMakers Helps You Celebrate

At SmileMakers, we are passionate about spreading smiles. We know how much your patients mean to you, and we work to make it easy for you to celebrate your unique community with fun patient rewards and ideas on how to give back. Together, we can continue to keep little patients and parents as happy and healthy as possible. If you ever have any questions or have a suggestion for us, we'd love to hear from you! Simply get in touch by visiting us online at SmileMakers.com.

2021-03-11 15:19:00 4 viewed