Getting Kids to Wear Facemasks

Getting Kids to Wear Facemasks

Getting Kids to Wear Facemasks

We are all excited to see more and more businesses opening up and life getting back to a semblance of normal- with physical distancing guidelines and health regulations, of course! One of those being the need to wear facial coverings in public spaces or anywhere you are likely to come within 6 feet of someone from outside your household.

As you welcome your patients back to your office, you may notice parents struggling to get their child to wear a face covering or mask. Or if they are wearing one, chances are, they are likely wearing it incorrectly or fiddling with an ill-fitting mask. With the increased demand for masks, it can be hard for parents to find ones suitable for their children. Save the day and give parents one less thing to worry about by providing them with child-sized, disposable face masks.

The Benefits of Disposable Masks for Children

The trick to getting a child to wear a face mask is simple: make them want to wear it! Masks that are made just for them are the way to go. While many people are focusing on reusable washable masks, disposable masks provide a variety of unique benefits including:
● Affordability- Reusable cloth masks can be pricey! Parents may not be able to buy washable face masks for their entire family, and it may not be feasible for you to provide them either. Disposable masks offer a more cost-effective alternative, ensuring your patients can still come in for the care they need.
● Comfort- Cloth masks and scarves can be thick, heavy, and hard to breathe through. The lightweight material of disposable masks will be less bothersome for wiggly little ones.
● Effectiveness- Rather than struggling with an adult-sized mask that slips off kids’ faces, smaller, child-sized masks will fit correctly, ensuring they are protected. Plus, because your patient will be picking out a fresh mask, there is less chance of contamination than with reusing a cloth mask.

SmileMakers has a variety of colorful, patterned masks that are sure to turn drab PPE into a fun, fashionable accessory for little patients. You can choose from unicorns, sharks, dinos, rainbows, and sports-themed masks to delight even the pickiest patient. Or if you prefer, there are also plain disposable masks for an even more budget-friendly option.

Keep Your Patients Safe and Their Parents Happy!

It is all too easy to rush out of the house and forget your facemask, we’ve all done it! By doing something as simple as providing a complimentary face mask for their child, you can help ease parents’ burdens by giving them one less thing to worry about in this ever-changing world. Parents will greatly appreciate that you are going the extra mile to show you care. SmileMakers is here for you. We aim to make it easy for you to be the superhero you are!

2020-07-16 13:50:00 5 viewed