How to Break the Ice with Shy or Anxious Patients

How to Break the Ice with Shy or Anxious Patients

How to Break the Ice with Shy or Anxious Patients

We know how important it is to make positive impressions on pediatric patients. Pediatric appointments will have a large impact on a child’s health for the rest of their lives, and if a little one enjoys these experiences, they are more likely to develop healthy habits. SmileMakers wants to help you deliver delightful healthcare for every little patient, and we know that it’s not always an easy task. Some patients are particularly nervous or shy, so we have a few tips to ensure that every visit is as enjoyable as possible, even for the most anxious patients:

Have Fidget Toys Ready
For many patients, fidget toys offer a comforting distraction from the details of a healthcare appointment. At SmileMakers, we offer a variety of fidget toys to keep little patients happy and calm. Our special Emoji Fidget Spinners can soothe pediatric patients, and they can also help you break the ice. Ask your pediatric patient to point toward the emoji that best represents the way they feel. Use their answers to spark up a conversation. Communicate in a way that they will understand and appreciate, and take the time to listen to how little patients feel. A fidget toy and a quick check-in about nerves can go a long way!

Ask Questions
Building a rapport is especially important when little patients feel extra shy or nervous, and simple or silly questions are a quick way to help patients get more comfortable with you and your office. You can even ask a parent about their child’s favorite subjects, movies, and characters. Asking questions about these specific topics will encourage kids to engage in conversation and become more comfortable.

Break the Ice with SmileMakers
To help you break the ice, we offer fun toys and prizes that will keep little patients smiling. From stickers to colorings books and figurines, we offer everything you need to ensure that every pediatric patient feels at ease during their appointment.

2019-10-11 13:58:00 1069 viewed