How to Get Quality Reviews Online (And Why They're So Important)

How to Get Quality Reviews Online (And Why They're So Important)

How to Get Quality Reviews Online (And Why They're So Important)

ReviewsFacebook, Yelp! and Google Reviews. It’s important to get ahead of the game and in control of your listing on these platforms, because patients will write reviews whether you know it or not! Both Yelp! and Google Reviews will add a business profile based on your physical location alone. It’s easy to get started, and once you do, the results have the potential to be very rewarding.

Just Ask!
Do you have patients who have been visiting regularly for years? Start there! Chances are that your returning patients would be happy to write a review for your practice. If you have a particularly positive encounter with a patient, or a parent mentions that they enjoyed their time in your office, take the opportunity to ask for a review.

Automate the Process
Asking patients for a review at the end of their appointment is a great start, but life is busy and this small task can tend to fall through the cracks. One of the best ways to ask for reviews (or gently remind patients who have already committed to submitting one) is to automate the process. Sending a brief text message or email thanking patients for their visit along with a link to your review platforms will help ensure that you’re getting the reviews you need.

Need More Help Initiating Positive Reviews?
Patients are more likely to have stronger positive feelings about their visit if they leave feeling rewarded and genuinely cared for. SmileMakers offers hundreds of prizes, giveaways, and practice essentials that will show your patients how much you value your relationship with them. Watch the rave reviews pour in when you reward with SmileMakers!

2020-03-26 19:57:00 11 viewed