How to Protect & Inspire Your Team

How to Protect & Inspire Your Team

How to Protect & Inspire Your Team

As you reopen your practice, your team will be looking to you for information on how to proceed with getting back to the office and greeting patients in this new work environment. This is an opportunity for you to rally your troops and get everyone excited about reopening your doors. Some team members may feel apprehensive about reentering the practice when there is still so much uncertainty. You may even be operating with a smaller team due to furloughs or layoffs, and it can be awkward to return to work if some co-workers have not been rehired. SmileMakers is here to provide some guidance and offer suggestions on how to inspire your team and keep them motivated through a difficult time.

Host a Virtual Welcome Back Celebration
Instead of jumping into discussing the changes that will need to be made, you can first show your team that this is a time for celebration! You’ve all made it through a very difficult time, and being able to see patients once again is something to be proud of and excited about. Before you open, invite your team to be a part of a virtual Zoom party or hangout session.
You can use this time to bond and get everyone excited about returning to work together. Share stories, play charades, and toast each other through your screens. This will instill a sense of camaraderie and get your team excited to see one another in person again (even if it’s behind PPE). During your virtual celebration, you can also go over the new protocols and answer any questions your team may have. Reassure them that they will be safe returning to work. 0

Get Your Team Involved

Despite possibly having to remove fun amenities like communal beverage stations and kids’ play areas, you can still inject warmth and personality into your office. Do you have creative minds on your team? Let them help choose ways to personalize the office. They’ll feel integral to the team and more welcome in an environment they’ve had a say in creating. Do you want social distancing floor decals, in-office signage, or stickers for customizing your office and PPE? Let your team help you with these decisions. It will take some pressure off of you and show your team that you value their opinions.
When people feel valued and heard, they are more likely to form strong bonds and work together as a team. Creating a healthy work environment goes beyond disease control and sterilization. It is important to listen to your team members, account for their concerns, and take steps to ensure they feel comfortable and understood. If your team is happy, your patients will take notice and in turn, they’ll feel safe and comfortable too.

SmileMakers is Here for You “We care for you like you care for your patients” is more than our tagline. That statement represents our core values and is at the heart of everything we do. We know this is a difficult time for healthcare workers, practices, and small business owners. And we’re here for you now just as we have been for over 40 years. Reach out and tell us what we can do to help you at

2020-06-16 14:07:00 14 viewed