How to Welcome Your Patients Back to Your Office

How to Welcome Your Patients Back to Your Office

How to Welcome Your Patients Back to Your Office

Reopening your practice may seem daunting and overwhelming with all the adjustments that need to be made. You may even be asking yourself “will patients even want to return to our office with all these changes?” We get it. This can be a scary time for patients looking for treatment.

But despite having to alter the overall patient experience, you can still give your patients a warm welcome and ensure they feel confident about getting back to their dental healthcare routine. In fact, this is a great time to show your appreciation for their loyalty and continued business despite the uncertainty that this time has brought about. A Welcome Back Packet can help reassure them that your practice is safer than ever.

Putting Together Your Welcome Back Packet Right now patients don’t need all the bells and whistles of luxury amenities. Yes, they are a nice plus that you will eventually be able to reinstate, but what is at the forefront of everyone’s minds is staying safe and healthy.

By outlining your increased sanitation measures and protocols in a brief Welcome Back Packet, you can reassure your patients that you are prepared for their return in a safe environment. Print out and include a copy of the CDC and OSHA recommendations that doctor's offices have always followed as well as the additional sanitation measures that are being implemented in your office. Your patients will appreciate being able to clearly see the steps you are taking to keep your patients, your staff, and your community safe.
In addition to safety information, in your packets you may also want to include:
Greeting cards or stationery- Have your whole team sign a short and sweet welcome back message for your patients on a card or other stationery. This will add a touch of warmth and friendliness in a time when handshakes, hugs, and high fives have been put on hold.
Customized pens or pencils- Not only will this help prevent contamination from sharing writing tools, it will be a nice, functional gift for your patients to keep.
Custom Stickers- Personalized stickers are a fun handout to help spread cheers and help even your littlest patients feel welcome back at their dental home.
Mini Hand-Sanitizers- Between runs to the grocery store, trips to the bank, and picking up pizza from the local shop, right now everyone can use a little extra hand sanitizer!
● Pack it all up in a colorful custom paper bag imprinted with your office information for an easy and affordable handout.

These personal touches will show your patients that you are thinking of not only their health, but also their overall well being and happiness. As a healthcare provider, you are in the perfect position to be a leader in your community and convey a sense of belonging in a time when we all need camaraderie and connection.

SmileMakers is Here for You
“We care for you like you care for your patients” is more than our tagline. That statement represents our core values and is at the heart of everything we do. We know this is a difficult time for healthcare workers, practices, and small business owners. And we’re here for you now just as we have been for over 40 years. Reach out and tell us what we can do to help you at

2020-06-16 15:24:00 15 viewed