Keep Your Appointment Book Full During the Holidays

Keep Your Appointment Book Full During the Holidays

Keep Your Appointment Book Full During the Holidays

The holidays are a joyous time, and the team at SmileMakers wants to make sure your practice is filled with new and returning patients this season! Here are a few things to keep that will help you keep your appointment book full until the end of the year (and beyond!):

Make the Most out of Phone CallsMake the Most Out of Calls

When the phone rings at your office, this is your first direct opportunity to book an appointment. This means that the way your staff answers the phone and interacts with the caller is crucial. For this reason, it’s important to make sure that anyone who answers the phone knows which services you offer, your specialties, which insurances you accept, and any other pertinent details of your practice.

Schedule Routine Appointments Before They Leave

Any new patient has the potential to become a life-long patient of your practice. No matter what brings someone into your office initially, the check-out process is always an opportunity to lock in their next appointment. Whether they are receiving a treatment that requires multiple visits, or they simply need another preventive appointment in 6 months, it is always best to schedule as soon as possible!

Set Up a Referral Program

Every appointment is a chance to wow a patient with stellar service and quality dental work. Setting up a referral program is a great way to encourage the loyalty of existing patients and the acquisition of new ones! Do a little research about what your state allows for healthcare referral programs and take some time to consider what referral rewards you would like to give your patients. Referral programs can go a long way!


Celebrate the Holidays with New & Existing Patients

Whether you’re looking to get new patients in the door or encourage existing patients to return, we hope these marketing tips are helpful for you and your practice! Our team at SmileMakers is grateful for every customer, and we feel honored to be a part of the joy you share at your practice!

2019-12-05 18:24:00 14 viewed