New Year, New You! How To Get Patients In After the Holidays

New Year, New You! How To Get Patients In After the Holidays

New Year, New You! How To Get Patients In After the Holidays

The craziness of the holiday season has finally passed. The cookie crumbs and tinsel are beginning to settle, and it’s about time to get back to reality. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop spreading the holiday spirit! As the new year begins, patients will be looking to turn a new leaf and maximize their New Year’s resolutions. You can capitalize on this by encouraging patients to get in the door with seasonal specials and community outreach. SmileMakers is here to lend a helping hand with marketing insights to keep your patient flow steady during the winter season.

Run a Winter Special!

Patients are ready to capitalize on that fresh-start feeling that the new year brings about, so why not offer them a way to greet the year with a smile? An easy and effective way to help your patients start their year off on the right foot is to run a winter special. A “New Year, New You” Whitening Special can be an attractive offer for patients looking to check an item off their list of resolutions. Because it’s minimally invasive and provides dramatic results, teeth whitening can give patients confidence in their smile, and be a motivator for them to take better care of their oral health. With a sparkling grin to take care of, patients are more likely to stop putting off other dental treatments that they may have been waiting on before.

Host a Giveaway on Social Media

Hosting a giveaway on social media can be a great way to connect with your patients and show them that your practice is always there for them. Partner with a local small business (think restaurants, boutiques, and other mom & pop shops) to give your patients the chance to win a gift, or raffle off a gift card so they can treat themselves to whatever they’d like. A giveaway like this can help boost your online presence and remind your patients to schedule their next visit to your office.

Donate to the Charity of Your Choice

Donate to the Charity of Your Choice

The holidays spark a spirit of graciousness and generosity for many, which makes it a wonderful time to give back. Getting your patients involved in your charitable efforts creates a sense of community and keeps your practice top of mind. Pick a charity with a cause you support, and that your patient base can relate to. Provide additional incentives to give by entering contributors into a raffle for something like a gift card or complimentary take-home whitening kit. 

Donate to the Charity of Your Choice

Send Out a Winter-Themed Postcard

Remind your patients that there’s no time like the present to get their smile on the right track. Help them make the most of the new year with New Year's resolutions recall cards, or keep the spirit of the holiday season alive with snowy winter postcards. A personalized card is a great way to show your patients that you’re thinking about them and that you’re always ready to help them achieve their best smile. 

SmileMakers is Here for You

The holidays may be coming to a close, but our team at SmileMakers is always standing by, ready to help you realize those New Year’s resolutions. If you’d like to get in touch with us to see how we can assist your practice, send us a message or chat with us at!

2021-12-02 17:58:58 19 viewed