Reminding Patients to Use Insurance Benefits

Reminding Patients to Use Insurance Benefits

Reminding Patients to Use Insurance Benefits

With the end of the year fast approaching, it’s a great time to remind patients to use their insurance benefits! This time of year is often busy, so most patients will need a gentle nudge to prompt a quick visit. How do you reach out in a way that feels authentic, caring, and not intrusive? The team at SmileMakers has some pointers when it comes to gentle reminders:

Send a Card

Greeting Cards

Everyone appreciates a hand-written note. Personalized greeting and recall cards feel authentic and they’re a great way to show patients that you genuinely care. Keep the note short and sweet, and finish your message with a gentle reminder to book an appointment to close out the year and make the most of insurance benefits.

Post on Social Media

If your practice has an Instagram or Facebook account, use these platforms to make an announcement! This is a clever, organic way to reach out to patients and remind them that benefits for the calendar year restart after December 31st. Be witty! Short, catchy phrases are attention-grabbing and will stand out in a sea of scrollable content. Consider using phrases like, “Use it or lose it!” and “Don’t miss out!” along with a brief explanation of yearly dental benefits. Upload a photo of you and your team along with this caption to make your post feel more personal.

Send an Email

Send and Email

Chances are, you have your patients’ email addresses on file. If so, and if you have their permission to contact them via email, this is a great way to send a more detailed message and give people a well-rounded explanation of expiring benefits. Many patients aren’t aware that benefits often run out on December 31st, and even those who already know can still use a reminder! Be brief in your email and consider creating a bulleted list of reasons to book an appointment before the end of the year. For example:

  • - Any unused insurance benefits are wasted money
  • - Preventive visits will help you avoid dental issues later on
  • - We’ll help you get the most out of your benefits


 Send Reminders with SmileMakers Recall Cards

Send Reminders with a Recall Card

We love supporting our customers and helping you provide quality healthcare! If you’re looking to send gentle reminders to your patients and stay in the forefront of their minds, check out our recall cards! Stay front-and-center in your patients’ minds this holiday season while they have time off from school and work. Keeping in touch with your loyal patients and sending a simple holiday message can go a long way!

2019-12-05 18:53:00 28 viewed