Simple (and Budget-Friendly!) Ways to Show Your Patients Gratitude

Simple (and Budget-Friendly!) Ways to Show Your Patients Gratitude

Simple (and Budget-Friendly!) Ways to Show Your Patients Gratitude

It’s the season of giving thanks, and we know that your practice wouldn’t be what it is today without your patients! At SmileMakers, we want to help you show gratitude for every patient that walks through your door. With these simple yet cost-effective gestures, you’ll be able to show patients that you genuinely care:

Offer Gifts and PrizesOffer Gifts & Prizes
When it comes to pediatric patients, a fun prize can go a long way. Prizes help establish positive memories for patients to associate with your practice and at SmileMakers, we have loads of prizes that kids will love! Stay on-trend with Re-Stickables and Slow Rise Plush Toys, or celebrate the holidays  with our seasonal toys and prizes. No matter what you choose, these fun gifts show patients how much you care about their experience at your office!

Send a Quick “Thank You” After Appointments
When patients arrive at your office, ensure that your staff asks which form of contact works best for follow-up messages. After every appointment, take a few minutes to draft a quick message and thank every patient that enters your operatory. This small gesture will go a long way and make your patients feel more like friends.

Send Them Home with Practice Essentials
Offering healthcare essentials like toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss shows that you take pride in keeping patients healthy. Working this into the process at the end of every appointment adds value to each visit, and it’s a great way to share your passion for optimal health. SmileMakers even offers customizable take-home bags to make the giveaway feel personalized and fresh. We know how important your patients are to your practice, and we’re proud to offer products that help you make them smile!

2019-12-05 16:03:00 9 viewed