Special Offers for the Holidays

Special Offers for the Holidays

Special Offers for the Holidays

The season of giving is upon us! One of the most magical things about the fall and winter season is the feeling of coming together to give thanks to our loved ones and communities alike. You can help spread the holiday cheer by kicking off some seasonal specials on your most sought after services. With ideas on discounts, referral programs, specials, and more, SmileMakers is here to help you make your patients smile more than ever this year!

Special Offers for the Holidays

Provide Discounts on Your Memberships

Special Offers for the Holidays

Now is a great time to help prepare your patients for a healthy year ahead. Just when insurance benefits are expiring, you can let your patients know about any in-house memberships you may offer to help them avoid worrying about whether or not the care they need will be covered by their insurance. Plus, by providing a discount for early enrollment, you’ll be giving patients even more incentive to act quickly and commit to a full year of recall appointments in 2021. This is good for your patients and good for your practice as you’ll be helping to keep them healthy and you’ll ensure that you’ll retain a loyal patient base.

Set Up a Referral Program- The More the Merrier!

Special Offers for the Holidays

Over the holidays, relatives may be traveling to break bread and share quality time with their loved ones. While the family is in town, you can encourage your existing patients to bring them along for a checkup, exam, or dental cleaning. Make the most out of this new patient base, and who knows, you may even get some returning patients if they don’t live too far out of town! For the new referrals, you can offer them reduced prices. To incentivize your existing patients to participate in the referral program, you can offer them a credit that they can put towards future services. Referral programs will make both new and returning patients happy for an all-around cheerful season!

New Year, New Patients!

Special Offers for the Holidays

If you don’t have a new patient special set up, now is the time to do it! In the new year, patients will be looking for services to help them achieve their new year’s resolutions and be their healthiest, most radiant selves. If you do have a new patient special already in place, consult with your marketing team to see how well your special is performing to ensure it is getting you the conversions you need. From dental to vision, we have options for your practice to help you get new patients in the door.

Whether you prefer postcards or online campaigns, here are some examples of holiday specials that can help you stand out in your marketing efforts:

  • Whitening Special- “Get a merry and bright smile for the holidays! Make a lasting impression for virtual and in-person holiday gatherings.”
  • Extractions Special- “Have downtime this holiday season? This is the perfect time to schedule the appointments you’ve been putting off and your smile back on track.”
  • Emergency Special- “If that holiday peanut brittle puts a chip in your smile, we’ve got you covered with our emergency special!”
  • Discount on Eyewear- “End the Year With ‘2020 Vision!’ Say goodbye to this year with 20/20 vision and set your sights on 2021.”

Pay It Forward With Free Services  

Special Offers for the Holidays

Perhaps one of the most valuable things you can offer your community is your time. Consider nominating a deserving patient for free services such as a smile makeover, free eyewear, or free dental care. You can even get your community involved by asking them to nominate a loved one in need. This will allow you to set a good example for your community and provide transformative, life-changing care in a time when so many people are struggling to make ends meet. This philanthropic act will be so meaningful to you, your staff, and your patients.

Happy Holidays From SmileMakers!

Throughout every season, SmileMakers is here for you! Just as you treat each patient like a dear loved-one, we consider you to be a part of our family too. During this holiday season, we are wishing you prosperity, happiness, and good health for the coming year. As always, we are here for you in any way we can be. Do not hesitate to reach out and let us know what we can do for you by visiting us at SmileMakers.com.

2020-12-14 10:59:00 2 viewed