Spreading Love

Spreading Love

Spreading Love

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc

Red and pink; hearts and chocolate. Valentine's Day. The holiday of love. We all feel love differently, express love differently, and recognize love differently. But, one thing remains the same for all of us...we all need love.

One of my favorite things to do is ask children questions like, "what does love mean to you?" A three-year-old once told me, "hugs and kisses." An older child responded, "feeling warm." I couldn't agree more!

Children may feel love with a simple smile, undivided attention from someone, a warm hug, intentional time with a competitive board game, or just truly listening to what a child has to say.

In the hospital, you may be surprised to hear it, but there is love everywhere. Nurses caring for families, child life specialists picking the exact right activity, doctors taking time to sit down and brainstorm with a family. A loving environment in a hospital room may look like family photos from home placed around the room. It could possibly be art work that the child created. Maybe it is cards from friends/classmates displayed throughout the room. A loving and positive environment could be stacks of games waiting to be played, or stuffed animals filling the bed. It could be music, or movies, jokes, or stories being told.

Valentine's Kiss

Love can be displayed many different ways within the hospital. Child Life Specialists have the fun task of finding out the best way to make a child and family feel LOVED!  So, during this LOVELY holiday month, I wanted to share a fun and simple activity that could help children express their creativity and hopefully feel and share love.

I drew out a simple "kiss" pattern on cardstock as seen to the right. Then, cut them out and wrapped them with foil and attached a fun message to each "kiss". Depending on the child's development, motor skills, and interest, you could have them draw their own pattern, cut, wrap, and write their own message. Another way to involve a child that may not have the fine motor skills needed to draw, cut, and wrap, would be to use SmileMakers Valentine's Day stickers to decorate their "kiss."

Kiss Crafts

Have fun spreading the love!

2022-02-07 16:38:00 10 viewed