Start Your Use It or Lose It Campaign Now

Start Your Use It or Lose It Campaign Now

Start Your Use It or Lose It Campaign Now

It’s that time of year again! With only a few months left in the year, now is the perfect time to launch a “Use it or Lose it” campaign to remind your patients to schedule an appointment and use up their insurance benefits before the end of the year. This campaign is a great tool to help bring new and returning patients back in the chair, especially if your practice is struggling with low appointment numbers due to COVID-19’s lingering effects. SmileMakers is here to help you brainstorm ideas to kick off your “Use it or Lose it” campaign to beat the end of the year slump and retain a steady flow of patients all year long!

How to Promote Your Use It or Lose It Campaign:

    Website Countdown
  • Website Countdown- Adding a countdown on your website is a simple way to remind existing patients that their benefits won’t roll over into the next year. A countdown immediately draws attention to this message without taking up significant space on your site, making it one of the most effective and efficient ways to get your message across.
  • Social Media Blasts
  • Social Media Blasts- Craft a collection of posts that explain what “Use it or Lose it” means and what patients can do to take advantage of their benefits right away. Feel free to get creative and have fun! Videos, photos of your team, and Canva graphics are all quick ways to clearly share your “Use it or Lose it” message with existing patients who may already be following you.
  • PPC and Facebook Ad Campaigns
  • PPC and Facebook Ad Campaigns- Looking to draw in a younger demographic and new patients that are looking for a healthcare provider? Pay Per Click (PPC) and Facebook Ad campaigns can work in tandem to do just that. These assure your “Use it or Lose it” promotion clinches a prominent placement on search engines and social networks.
  • Direct Mailers and Recall Cards
  • Direct Mailers and Recall Cards- Direct mailers and recall cards are an excellent method to target older patients that may not be as tech-savvy as a younger demographic. With SmileMakers recall cards, you can grow your patient base, advertise services, and remind patients that the time to use up those dental benefits is now. It's quick and easy to design, proof, and approve your cards! Simply select your card design, add your logo, and choose your unique “Use it or Lose it” message.

SmileMakers is Here to Help

We are here to share guidance, resources, and solutions so your dental practice can finish the year strong. With fun, fresh products for every season, SmileMakers provides countless ways to turn first-time visitors into life-long patients. We’re honored to be a part of your growing small business, especially during this challenging time. Our team is dedicated to bolstering your success all year long and can’t wait to see what the next year brings for your practice! Looking to plan for the new year with SmileMakers? Connect with us at

2020-10-30 09:49:00 54 viewed