Staying Ahead of the Sniffles

Staying Ahead of the Sniffles

Staying Ahead of the Sniffles


Staying Ahead of the Sniffles

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc.


Staying Ahead of the Sniffles

If you have read the news recently, then you are well aware about the surge in cases of RSV overwhelming the country. Hospitals are maxed out on beds for pediatric patients. It can be a scary time to think about your child potentially getting sick. However, with a few proactive steps and helpful products from SmileMakers, you can help stay one step ahead of those nasty germs!Halloween Monsters

Healthy Hands, Happy Hands

Little hand sanitizers are essential for any family on the go. These small bottles can easily be stored in a backpack, pocket, or pencil case. These can also be customized with a family name or image that makes you smile!


Germs, Germs, Go Away

Talking with your child about germs is important for helping them understand why it’s important to wash their hands and to cover their nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. This germ activity book includes coloring pages and activities to help your child learn about germs and how to stay safe. Want another easy DIY activity to do at home? Get a clear sheet protector and a dry erase marker, and draw some silly-looking “germs” on the plastic with the marker. Then have your child use soap and water to wash those yucky germs away!

You kLollipopsnow germs can hide just about anywhere in a home. If you are looking for ways to help your child become more aware of “high germ activity spots” these silly germs stickers are a great way to provide a visual concept for children about where germs may be lingering. Together with your child you can put these stickers in different spots around the house to help remind your child to wash their hands after touching that area. For example, putting a germ sticker on a tissue box is an easy way to remind your child to wash their hands after blowing their nose!


I Mask Because I Care
Recall Cards

If your family is at high risk for illness or you have close friends who are at high risk, wearing a mask during flu and cold season is a sensitive way to show others that you care about their health and safety. Masks can be especially important during the holiday season when families and friends gather together indoors. SmileMakers offers a variety of kid-friendly designs and prints to make wearing a mask easier for little ones.

Being prepared now for flu and cold season is a smart way to keep friends and family safe and healthy. SmileMakers makes it easy to equip your family with personal protective items and hygiene items to make the season more enjoyable for everyone!











2022-11-02 19:04:00 19 viewed