Staying Social While Social Distancing

Staying Social While Social Distancing

Staying Social While Social Distancing

As families are sheltering in place and staying home, we are all finding ourselves online and on social media now more than ever. Whether it be checking Facebook and Instagram to keep in touch with loved ones, or scrolling through newsfeeds for the latest updates, this online engagement provides a unique opportunity for you to stay connected with your patients and show them that you and your practice are still there for them.

Showcase Your At-Home Routines

As a healthcare professional, your patients look to you for advice and recommendations. Lead by example and show off your at-home routines with a focus on health and wellness. It’s as simple as snapping a picture of your surroundings to get the conversation started. For inspiration on topics to post about, ask yourself these questions:

● What am I doing to stay fit?
● What does my at-home workspace look like?
● How am I finding a balance between take-out meals and cooking?
● Do I have any cleaning tips or sanitization hacks I should share?

Now is a great time to share your unique insights with your audience. Discussing ways to carry on while “slowing the spread” helps people focus on finding comfort and stability during this temporary new normal.

Not quite sure how to get started? Here’s an example of a caption to get you thinking:

“ Staying at home is so important to keep ourselves and our community safe and healthy during this time! We want to show you how our team is staying safe, healthy and happy while at home, and want to know how you're doing, too! Here's how Molly is staying safer at home: “I have been cooking, cleaning, and reading lots of books! And although my dog Bella is enjoying all the long walks and extra attention, I look forward to socializing with humans soon!"
How are you staying safer at home during this time? Let us know in the comments below!

Send a “State of the Practice” Video Update

People want to know that life will carry on after this crisis. Things will return to normal even if our view of normal changes. One way you can ease your patients’ minds is by showing that your practice is still there for them. While it might be empty now, it will be ready and waiting for their return when your doors reopen. Head to your office and record a quick Empty Office Tour. In the video, you can say things like “we miss you,” “we are still standing,” and “we are here for you!”

Showing people familiar spaces provides comfort and assurance that the world still exists outside their home. Show that the kids’ play area is clean and ready for tons of fun. Take a video of the prize chest that has been freshly restocked with individually wrapped toys and treats! Get people excited about coming back to your practice. This not only gives them something to look forward to, but also ensures that your stream of patients will remain steady (or even grow) when you reopen.

Spotlight a Local Business

As we stay at home, we have time to reflect on how we can help our community heal. While essential businesses are open, there are many small businesses that are really taking a hit just like you. We can show our love for our local community by supporting the individuals that make it unique.

Hosting a gift card giveaway on Instagram is a great way to boost interaction online as well as provide financial support to a local business and garner good will in the community. For example, you could buy gift cards from a small coffee shop, a brewery, a movie theater, a spa or nail salon, or even a clothing boutique. This helps small businesses sustain a positive cash flow while their doors are closed, and allows consumers to enjoy their services once they reopen their doors.

Do you have a favorite take-out restaurant? Is your favorite pizza place offering delivery? Give them a shout out on your social media! They’ll appreciate the spotlight and your patients and followers will enjoy getting to know you a little better through your favorite local digs. Plus, we could all use some recommendations to avoid getting stuck in a food rut!

Looking for some inspiration? Here’s an example:

We’re proud to be a small business in our community! That's why we're paying it forward and supporting our fellow local small businesses by giving away a $20 gift card to ________! Want to enter to win? Here's how to get started:

Like this post⠀
Tag a local friend in the comments⠀
Like ________'s Facebook page!⠀

During this challenging time, it's so important to be safe and vigilant, and to support and care for our community in any way we can. Thank you for entering this giveaway and showing _________ some love! We'll be announcing the winner on Wednesday, and will continue to have more giveaways this week and the following weeks as well! Best of luck!”

Remember to Have Fun With It!

This is a good time to have a bit of lighthearted fun with your patients and followers and be a bright spot in their day. People are looking for positivity and appreciate a bit of tasteful humor. Share something that made you smile. Learn a Tik Tok dance and post it to your Instagram story. Above all else, do what feels natural. Find something that fits your personality and use social media to reach out and connect with your patients. While we may be isolated, we are not alone. We are all in this together and we have the privilege of interacting virtually through social media. Be present and continue to make a difference in your patients’ lives, even if you can’t see them in person.

SmileMakers is Here for You

“We care for you like you care for your patients” is more than our tagline. That statement represents our core values and is at the heart of everything we do. We know this is a difficult time for healthcare workers, practices, and small business owners. And we’re here for you now just as we have been for over 40 years. Reach out and tell us what we can do to help you at

2020-04-23 17:05:00 15 viewed