Three Reasons to Spruce Up Your Website

Three Reasons to Spruce Up Your Website

Three Reasons to Spruce Up Your Website

Your website is often the first impression potential patients have of you. Studies show that in this modern age, close to 70% of consumers find their healthcare providers online. This means that your website is a critical sales tool when it comes to getting new patients in the door. But how can you tell if your website is hitting the mark? Here are a few reasons to consider updating your website:

Slow-Loading Sites That Are Difficult to Navigate

Slow-Loading Sites are Difficult to Navigate

First and foremost: if your website isn’t user-friendly, people won’t stay on it. People expect to be able to find all of the information they need quickly and easily (such as your contact information, how to schedule an appointment, and the services you offer). Ask for feedback from someone unfamiliar with your practice. Discuss and fix any issues they find.

Inconsistent Messages
Do you have outdated information on your site? Have your hours or services changed? Inconsistent information can be detrimental to a potential patient’s experience. For example, if someone notices a special offer listed on your site, then calls your practice only to find that the offer is no longer available, it leaves a negative impression and can even result in a bad online review. Schedule frequent checks to ensure that your online and in-office messaging is consistent!

Inability or Difficulty Tracking Leads
Your website isn’t just for potential patients to find information--it should also function as a sales tool, and if you don’t have the ability to track leads, you have no way of knowing how effective it is. Your website should help build your customer base, and it’s important to have data that shows whether you are achieving that goal. With tools like Google Analytics, you are able to get a clear picture of what may need to be adjusted on your site.

Ready to make some improvements? Here’s a great resource!

Spruce Up Your Website with Grow My Practice

If you have a slow site that isn’t user-friendly, inconsistent messages on your site and in your office, or you are unable to track leads, Grow My Practice can help! Grow My Practice is a full-service digital and product-based marketing solution for dentists. A solid marketing strategy includes ongoing services like Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click advertising, and social media management. Get in touch with the experts at Grow My Practice to discuss a strategy that will work for you!

2019-10-11 14:08:00 290 viewed