Why We Celebrate National Dentist’s Day

Why We Celebrate National Dentist’s Day

Why We Celebrate National Dentist’s Day

March 6th is National Dentist's Day, and SmileMakers is always looking for reasons to celebrate our customers! We’re proud to be a resource to help with patient satisfaction and ensure that everyone who walks through your doors leaves with a smile on their face. Strong smiles are a huge part of overall health, and we work with you to cultivate healthy smiles in a warm, friendly environment. Here are a few reasons we love to celebrate dentists:

Dentists Help Prevent the Most Common Childhood Disease
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cavities are largely preventable, but they remain the most common chronic disease affecting children and adolescents. Even with a proper oral hygiene regimen and healthy diet, children are still at higher risk for developing cavities. Dentists know this, and with skillful care, they are able to clean small and hard-to-reach places, remove bacteria from underneath gums, and ensure that a child’s oral development is on track. National Dentist's Day draws attention to the many ways that dentists keep families smiling strong and free from common dental health issues.

Dentists Offer Expert Advice for FamiliesDentists Offer Expert Advice for Families
Pediatric dental care is more than just what happens in the chair. Dentists are enthusiastic entertainers, educators, and emotional supporters of both parents and children. Since the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children see a dentist for the first time before they are a year old, a big part of pediatric care involves assisting parents with developing proper oral hygiene regimens for their families. We celebrate dentists because they play a major role in helping kids start strong on their journey to a lifetime of optimal dental health.

Dentists Keep Us Enjoying Daily ActivitiesDentists Keep Us Enjoying Daily Activities
Though people may not think of their teeth and gums very often when they are healthy, even the slightest dental health issue can make daily routines a drag. We use our mouths almost every minute of the day to breathe, speak, smile and chew. A toothache or other oral health problem can have a major impact on these activities and negatively affect your whole day. Dentists can prevent these issues and restore your mouth quickly when problems arise. With proper dental care, people can smile with carefree ease.

Happy National Dentist's Day!
We’re grateful for our dentists, and nothing makes us happier than to help keep your patients satisfied. We know how valuable your services are for children and their parents, and we feel honored to be a part of your practice! Happy National Dentist's Day from the SmileMakers team!

2019-03-06 20:24:00 350 viewed