How to Leverage Your Marketing to Get Patients in the Door

How to Leverage Your Marketing to Get Patients in the Door

How to Leverage Your Marketing to Get Patients in the Door

Dentists are no stranger to the familiar slump of patient appointments in the fall. With the end of summer, people returning from vacations, and the back-to-school season, many people push off dental visits as their own schedules fill up. Practices may notice an even slower fall season this year, due to COVID-19. SmileMakers is here to provide you with some insight on how you can get more patients scheduled and keep your profit up this fall.

Reach Out to Existing Patients

Reach  Out to Existing Patients

First order of business- get in contact with your existing patient base. Follow up with patients who may have pushed back their visits due to COVID-19 or those who have already shown interest in scheduling an appointment at your practice. The quickest way to do this is by sending an email reminder with the link to your online scheduling platform so patients can quickly book right from their phones. Be sure to include a blurb that outlines your office’s COVID protocols to reassure patients who may be on the fence about scheduling.

Tap Into Social Media

Tap Into Social Media

Social media is a great way to quickly send out messages to your existing patient base, show your community support, and establish trust within your patient network. Best of all, social media will keep your practice top of mind when patients are scrolling through their feed. Seeing a post like the ones listed below may be a key reminder for patients that it’s time to schedule an appointment. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  1. Encourage your patients to nominate a teacher, veteran, essential worker, or first responder for a special offer.
  2. Start a gift-card giveaway raffle with your favorite local business or restaurant.
  3. Post a photo of you and your team donating PPE and medical supplies to your local hospital.

Start a Referral Program

Start A Referral Program

Launching a referral plan is a simple and easy way to combat slower months. The key to a strong referral plan is to offer an incentive, such as a discount off a future treatment or a gift card to a local business. The best way to get the word out? Talk about it! Each patient is a potential referral partner, so make sure your entire staff is comfortable speaking to the details of the program.

Leverage Discounts & New Patient Specials

Leverage Discounts & New Patient Specials

New Patient Specials are one of the best ways to attract new patients. When considering a new patient special, determine your target audience, then check to see what the competition is doing. Another strategy is to focus on high-value patients, like those looking for Invisalign, dental implants, or cosmetic procedures. Make sure the promotion or offer is only available for a limited time in the fall. Here are some examples:

  1. $XX credit toward treatment for any patient that schedules in October
  2. $XXX off Invisalign in October

Try Teledentistry

Try Teledentistry

Teledentistry is a simple way to start a dental conversation with patients that are uneasy about coming to the office during COVID-19. Virtual consults make it possible for patients to “meet” you before their first visit so you can provide the information they need to make the best decisions for their oral health. In a world where everything is accessed from a phone, teledentistry is a great way to stand out in your market and provide a convenient option for patients to get the oral health consultation they need.

You Can Count on SmileMakers

No matter what challenges COVID-19 may bring, SmileMakers is here to provide helpful resources and exciting products to make you and your patients smile. Throughout this time of uncertainty, you can count on SmileMakers to deliver healthcare workers, practices, and small business owners quality products and cheery customer service, just as we have for over 40 years. If you’re looking for more information on how we can help, connect with us at

2020-10-30 09:38:00 9 viewed